About Lincoln Memorial Library
The Lincoln Memorial Public Library provides free library services the people of the Denny River watershed region, including the towns of Dennysville, Pembroke, and Edmunds, Marion and Cathance Townships.
Our mission is to provide access to the written and spoken word in all its forms, from traditional printed text, to multi media, audio, visual, and digital technologies.
Our goal is support the search for information, knowledge, understanding and, ultimately, wisdom. We employ a combination of volunteer and professional services, whenever possible, to with collaboratively with all community groups interested in pursuing and promoting these ends.
We are affiliated with Public Libraries throughout Washington County, in the Northeast Maine Library District (NMLD), and the Maine State Library (MSL), in Augusta. The Lincoln Memorial Library is hub for information services in a pleasant environment, and a repository for local knowledge with historical, cultural, and social value.

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Early History
One of the first groups ever was the Library Association. The Lincoln Memorial Library was dedicated June 19, 1913.